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Welcome to http://outofbodytravel.org/ and all the features you'll find here including FREE downloads of over 115 E-Books/Magazines, Audio/Video/Music and Art about Out-of-Body Travel and other related subjects! In the spirit of remembering the great Prophets, Mystics, Saints and Sages from throughout the world and time, we have chosen to use this blog to make postings of special quotations from these great souls in the writings of the ancient sacred texts. As often as possible, I will be utilizing my extensive library of the better known and almost forgotten ancient sacred texts from all over the world to share with you a bit of the knowledge left behind by the Masters of every path. We hope you find this inspiring!

Many Thanks,
Marilynn Hughes

The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Heaven and Hell of Emanuel Swedenborg

"The evil within a person is hell within him . . ."
Heaven & Hell, Chapter 57, No. 547, Page 453, (Christianity, Swedenborgianism, Author: Emanuel Swedenborg)
"The worst people of all are the ones who have been involved in evil pursuits as a result of self-love, with an accompanying inward behavior stemming from deceit. This is because the deceit penetrates their thoughts and purposes too thoroughly and fills them with poison, destroying their whole spiritual life."
Heaven & Hell, Chapter 60, No. 578, Paragraph 1, Page 483, (Christianity, Swedenborgianism, Author: Emanuel Swedenborg)
"The only means of controlling and restraining these elements and keeping the hellish mob under restraint is the fear of punishment - no other means exists. For if it were not for the fear of punishment and torment, what is evil would plunge into rages and the whole place would fall apart, as happens to earthly kingdoms where there is no law or punishment."
Heaven & Hell, Chapter 60, No. 581, Page 485, (Christianity, Swedenborgianism, Author: Emanuel Swedenborg)
"We can determine the nature of hellish spirits' malice by looking at their unspeakable arts . . . These skills are virtually unknown in the world. One kind has to be with the misuse of correspondence; another with the misuse of the lowest elements of the Divine design; a third with the communication and inflow of thoughts and affections, using transformations, investigations, other spirits beyond themselves, and emissaries. A fourth kind involves working with hallucinations, a fifth, projection beyond themselves so that they seem to be present where their bodies are not. A sixth kind involves impersonation, persuasion and lies. An evil spirit comes by its very nature into the use of these skills when it has been released from its body. They are intrinsic to the nature of his evil . . . Hellish spirits torment each other with these skills in the hells."
Heaven & Hell, Chapter 60, No. 580, Page 484, (Christianity, Swedenborgianism, Author: Emanuel Swedenborg)

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