Welcome to the Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

Welcome to http://outofbodytravel.org/ and all the features you'll find here including FREE downloads of over 115 E-Books/Magazines, Audio/Video/Music and Art about Out-of-Body Travel and other related subjects! In the spirit of remembering the great Prophets, Mystics, Saints and Sages from throughout the world and time, we have chosen to use this blog to make postings of special quotations from these great souls in the writings of the ancient sacred texts. As often as possible, I will be utilizing my extensive library of the better known and almost forgotten ancient sacred texts from all over the world to share with you a bit of the knowledge left behind by the Masters of every path. We hope you find this inspiring!

Many Thanks,
Marilynn Hughes

The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Nag Hammadi Library and the New Testament Apocrypha

"(And) some say, 'On the last day (we will) certainly arise (in the) resurrection.' But they do not (know what) they are saying, for the last day (is when) those belonging to Christ . . . was fulfilled, he destroyed (their archon) of (darkness . . . ) . . . they asked (what they have been) bound with, (and how they) might properly (release themselves). And (they came to know) themselves (as to who they are), or rather, where they are (now), and what is the (place in) which they will rest from their senselessness, (arriving) at knowledge. (These) Christ will transfer to (the heights) since they (have renounced) foolishness (and have) advanced to knowledge. And those who (have knowledge . . . ) . . . he has come to) know (the Son of Man), that (is, he has come to) know (himself. This) is the perfect life, (that) man know (himself) by means of the All."
The Nag Hammadi Library, The Testimony of Truth, Page 451, Paragraph 3, (Christianity, Gnosticism)
"I also came out as a brook from a river, and as a conduit into a garden. I said, I will water my best garden, and will water abundantly my garden bed: and, lo, my brook became a river, and my river became a sea. I will yet make doctrine to shine as the morning, and will send forth her light afar off. I will yet pour out doctrine as prophecy, and leave it to all ages for ever. Behold that I have not laboured for myself only, but for all them that seek wisdom."
The Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus, Chapter 24, Paragraph 3, (Christianity, Words of Christ)

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