Welcome to the Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

Welcome to http://outofbodytravel.org/ and all the features you'll find here including FREE downloads of over 115 E-Books/Magazines, Audio/Video/Music and Art about Out-of-Body Travel and other related subjects! In the spirit of remembering the great Prophets, Mystics, Saints and Sages from throughout the world and time, we have chosen to use this blog to make postings of special quotations from these great souls in the writings of the ancient sacred texts. As often as possible, I will be utilizing my extensive library of the better known and almost forgotten ancient sacred texts from all over the world to share with you a bit of the knowledge left behind by the Masters of every path. We hope you find this inspiring!

Many Thanks,
Marilynn Hughes

The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East

"Jesus recognized this, and He could have saved Himself the Calvary experience. Had He wished to use His power, his enemies could not have touched Him. He saw there was a great spiritual change taking place in His body; and saw that if this was brought about, among those He knew and loved, without some outward change, a great many would not recognize the spiritual import, but would still cling to the personal. He knew that He had the power to overcome death, and He wished to show those that He loved that they had the same power; so He chose the Calvary way, the way they could see; and seeing, they would believe. He also wished to show that He had so perfected His body, that should His enemies take His life . . . still He, the true Self, could, raise His real or spiritual body above all mortal limitations."
The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, Volume I, Chapter XXI, Page130-131, (Anthology)

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