Welcome to the Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

Welcome to http://outofbodytravel.org/ and all the features you'll find here including FREE downloads of over 115 E-Books/Magazines, Audio/Video/Music and Art about Out-of-Body Travel and other related subjects! In the spirit of remembering the great Prophets, Mystics, Saints and Sages from throughout the world and time, we have chosen to use this blog to make postings of special quotations from these great souls in the writings of the ancient sacred texts. As often as possible, I will be utilizing my extensive library of the better known and almost forgotten ancient sacred texts from all over the world to share with you a bit of the knowledge left behind by the Masters of every path. We hope you find this inspiring!

Many Thanks,
Marilynn Hughes

The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!


Friday, December 30, 2022

 JUST RELEASED! Understanding Basic Concepts of Spirituality, By Marilynn Hughes - https://outofbodytravel.org

 JUST RELEASED! Methods of Paranormal Contact, By Marilynn Hughes - https://outofbodytravel.org

 JUST RELEASED! Out-of-Body Travel, Astral Travel and Remote Viewing: Definition, Similarities, Differences, Spiritual Potential and Related Hierarchies - https://outofbodytravel.org

 JUST RELEASED! The Progression of Out-of-Body Experiences - Get a glimpse into the evolutionary nature of how out-of-body experiences progress and a soul is taken more deeply into the deep wisdom of the spirit. - https://outofbodytravel.org/

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Join us on a awesome cruise and as we sail from Seattle to the awe-inspiring glaciers and ports of Alaska, Sept. 1 to 8, 2023. Delight in an awesome spiritual conference at sea, with legendary celebrity psychic mediums, spiritual teachers, and healers, including Cindy Kaza, Sunny Dawn Johnston, Star Wolf, Molly McCord, Linda Backman, Susan Shumsky, Mike Ricksecker, Marilynn Hughes, and many more.

Check out the website and register here:
Make sure to include my name in your booking.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Marilynn Hughes will be live tonight on the Last Frequency with Michael Vara from 9:30 - 12:00 Eastern, 6:30 Pacific - https://www.lastfrequency.com/

Friday, August 5, 2022

 Marilynn is available for spiritual couseling and direction - https://outofbodytravel.org/spiritual-counseling.html

Saturday, July 23, 2022

 Just Released! The Aliens of the Redemption: The Mysterious Role of Extraterrestrials in Salvation History and Ancient Sacred Texts, By Marilynn Hughes - https://outofbodytravel.org/the-aliens.html

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 LISTEN LIVE - SPIRITUALLY RAW 4/20/22 10:30 AM PST with April and Ajay Matta, Marilynn Hughes, Talking about 'A Greater Reality's' Release. Marilynn's Chapter's, 'Out-of-Body Travel, Astral Travel and Remote Viewing: Definition, Similarities, Differences, Spiritual Potential and Related Hierarchies,' and 'The Progression of Out-of-Body Experiences.' - https://spirituallyraw.live/programs/marilynn-hughs?via=marilynn, https://outofbodytravel.org/a-greater-reality.html

Sunday, April 3, 2022

 Marilynn Hughes will be on Coast to Coast AM from 10 PM to Midnight PST to Discuss the Release of Two Books in Conjunction with 'The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences' - https://www.coasttocoastam.com/

 Marilynn Hughes will be on Spiritually Raw with April and Ajay Matta on April 20th at 10:30 AM LIVE - https://spirituallyraw.live/?via=marilynn

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


NEW! Watch All of Our Seminars
Platform-Wide for Free

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQumHVbS6lwEJ6bX6bhlQA?

Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-729743

Special TV - https://special.tv/outofbodytravel

And Watch ‘The Apocalypse Files’ Exclusively on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-1450864

All come to you in Partnership with Mysteries Productions and Brian Mahlum - https://outofbodytravel.org/mysteries-productions.html

Check out Our Collaborative Publications/Broadcasts https://outofbodytravel.org/publications-broadcasts.html

JUST RELEASED! Third Eye Witness - Terminated - Based In Part on the Experiences of Marilynn Hughes by Kathi Bjorkman - https://outofbodytravel.org/kathi-bjorkman.html

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

 DEVELOP YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER SUMMIT - Join Natasha Senkovish, Host, and Marilynn Hughes, Stephen Ross, Cynthia Sue Larson, Mark Anthony, Michael Sheridan, Kristy Robinett, Sasha Graham, Eleni Yiambliss, Christi Whitman, Rachel Scoltock, Rebecca Packard, Coryelle Kramer, Michelle Irene Stupski, Judy Carroll, Croin Hinderegger, Violetta Pleshakova, Seryna Myers, Daiely Little, Bridget Finklaire, Bevin Niemann, Karl Gruber, Joya P. Gallasch, Liz Larson, Adam Levowitz, Kimberly Meredith, Maren Muter - https://developyourspiritualpower.com/

Friday, February 4, 2022

 Check out our New Series 'Tales of the Mendicant Preachers' - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPtYKHmsyZOFtLXWHsLZZ0cW4RhJq_xrG